Blummin XS Vibrant Red roses – 3 roses


Blummin XS Vibrant Red roses box.

Perfect gift idea that goes alone or with jewellery!

Blummin midi box of sleeping Vibrant Red roses:

Box heigh: 9 cm
Box diameter: 7.5 cm
3 sleeping roses in box.

Sleeping roses are 100% natural. The roses are brought to a stable state and stored using special technology. Natural moisture is removed from the roses and replaced with glycerin. This process ensures that the rose retains its natural appearance and shape. Roses are treated with vegetable and biodegradable liquids. No toxic ingredients are used.

With proper care, can last up to 1 year:

• humidity 80%
• do not water roses
• avoid direct sunscreens and bright light
• keep indoors only
• do not touch often. Nothing must be placed on top of the roses
• remove dust very gently

NB! Roses are real and their color can go lighter in time!

Roses color is influenced by the environment, humidity, sunlight and a brightly lit room.

1 in stock

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